

VPNO-HBN Football Tournement 2012

The 10th of June VPNO (Vereniging Pools Nederlandse Ondernemers) together with HBN (Hungarian Busines network) will organise the second edition of the HBN VPNO football tournement in The Hague. We invite everyone who dares to chalenge or play with Polish, Kroatian, Dutch and Hungarian teams during the EURO 2012 championships. There will be a BBQ and salsa lessons for the winners and loosers. 

Houtappel Advocatenkantoor

VPNO-HBN Football Tournament 2011

We would like to thank everybody for participating in the VPNO-HBN Football Tournament and hope you enjoyed it! A rainy Sunday spent outside on a field, rather than inside, can be considered as an healthy plus!

We congratulate the Winners: Remo 4 (PPHU PÄ™cherzewski), the second price winners: Polbau and the third price winners: HBN (Hungarian Business Network) and all others teams: VPNO,  Ball Busters, CB&I (Chicago Bridge & Iron Engineers) CLN (CB&I & Lumus Netherlands), Croatia (Gyron Crew), PontMeyer, Dreamteam and our referees: Tonci Bezmalinovic (Bezmalinovic Legal Ways, Rotterdam) and Ronald Lafeber and the stand in referees: Pieter Salemink, (Pacer Engineers). We thank Monika StÄ™pien and Kasia Nowak-De Gooijer, who helped to organize this event, and all others who helped out.

Houtappel Advocatenkantoor